600 S. Main St. Lima, OH 45804 – Phone: 419-228-6065 – Fax: 419-228-1018

HCV Section 8

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The Housing Choice Voucher Program (HCVP) provides rental assistance to help low income persons afford decent and safe rental housing. HCVP Programs are funded by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and administered by public housing agencies throughout the country. The Allen Metropolitan Housing Authority (AMHA) is the housing agency that administers an HCVP Program in Allen, Auglaize, Mercer, Putnam and Van Wert counties. 

A person selected to participate in HCVP is issued a rental voucher and is then free to locate a dwelling unit suitable to the family’s needs and desires in the private rental market. Once the family selects a unit, AMHA must inspect the unit before initial leasing and at least annually thereafter to ensure that the unit meets HUD housing quality standards (HQS). Once the unit passes an HQS inspection, AMHA will enter into a Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) Contract with the Owner who leases the unit to the family. Thereafter, while contract in effect, AMHA pays a portion of the rent – a housing assistance payment – to the owner on behalf of the family.

Under the rental voucher program, the family is generally required to pay approximately 30% of adjusted monthly income toward rent and utilities. The Housing Assistance Payment made by AMHA to the Owner generally pays the remainder.