The family must supply all information needed to determine eligibility and level of rental subsidy. This includes information or verification of family income and composition required for initial eligibility, annual or interim recertification. Failure or refusal to do so may result in delays, possible termination of assistance, eviction or ineligibility.
The family must allow the HCV Inspector access to the dwelling unit at reasonable times and after reasonable notice. An inspection at least once every 24 months is mandatory.
The family must not move into a new unit prior to the unit passing inspection and the negotiation of reasonable rent by AMHA with the owner.
No Duplicate Residence, Duplicate Assistance or Ownership
I certify that the HCV dwelling unit will be my only residence and that I will not duplicate federal housing assistance under another Federal housing assistance program (including an HCV program). HCV must be the only housing subsidy received by the family. The family must not own or have any interest in the dwelling unit (other than in a manufactured home or a cooperative). In addition, the family must not sublease or assign the lease or transfer the unit. The family may not lease a unit from a family member without seeking and receiving prior approval from AMHA.
The family must notify the AMHA and the owner in writing before moving or terminating the lease. The lease termination form is available at the HCV office. Families must provide AMHA with a copy of any eviction notice.
Report Changes in Family Composition and Income
Families are required to report to AMHA all change in household composition or income within 10 business days of the occurrence. These changes must be in writing, and include, but are not limited to changes resulting from:
- The lump sum payments receive from sources such as unemployment, welfare assistance and pensions.
- A family member leaving the household.
- All changes in household income income including additional income added to the household.
- All income of minor children in the household, whether earned from employment, received from a government agency, child support or paid to a payee on the behalf of the minor child.
- The addition of family members or others to the household must normally be approved by AMHA and the owner before the change occurs.
- Families must promptly report all changes, within 10 business days, such as, but not limited to changes due to marriage, death, adoption, birth, court custody awards, persons moving in or out of household, etc. Families may not allow persons not approved by AMHA to be a part of the household, to use the assisted address to reside in or for mail to as a temporary or permanent address or for any other purpose.
- Families must report marriages by any household member, whether or not the spouse will reside in the assisted unit. Families must report the incarceration of any household member.
A few examples include:
- Paying the rent late, or not paying the rent.
- Not allowing for the peaceful and quiet enjoyment by neighbors.
- Causing damages to the unit.
AMHA may terminate assistance for violent criminal activity or frug related criminal activity by any family member, guest or person under the tenant’s control.
Give 30 fays written notice to AMHA and the owner before vacating the unit.
Give AMHA a copy of any eviction notice served on the family by the owner.
Notify AMHA of any absence of any household member from the unit that is more than 30 days in duration.
- If the family currently owes rent or other amounts to AMHA or to another Housing Agency in connection with HCV, public housing, or any other program under the 1937 Housing Act.
- If the family had not reimbursed any Housing Agency for amounts owed to AMHA.
- If the family breaches an agreement to repay AMHA for any amounts owed to AMHA.
- If the family violates any of the family obligations.
- If a Housing Agency has ever terminated assistance under the certificate or voucher program to any member of the family. If a family member has ever been evicted from public housing.
- If any family member commits fraud, bribery or any other corrupt or criminal act in connection with any federal housing program.
- If the family engages in or threatened abusive or violent behavior toward AMHA personnel.
- If the family participates in side payment (payments outside of “rent to owner” as stated by AMHA) to the landlord not authorized by AMHA.
Visitor Policy
Any adult or child who has been in the unit more than 30 consecutive days without AMHA approval or total of 90 days in a 12-month period will be considered to be living in the unit as an unauthorized household member and could result in termination of the family’s assistance. Landlords and leases may set more restrictive limits.
Your Ability to Move
Any family issued a Voucher by AMHA may have the right to move anywhere within the United States of America. Vouchers have an issue date and an expiration date. Generally, a family is not issued more than one voucher during a 12-month period, but some exceptions may apply.
Other Points to Remember
After your family is under HCV Lease and Contract
- Report any unsafe housing condition to the HCV rogram if the Owner fails to do repairs in a timely manner.
- Pay only the amount of rent and for only those utilities listed on the Lease or Addendum. Your failure to follow this policy may result in termination of your rental assistance.